Member Testimonials

See for yourself what WEA members are saying about WEA-PAC and why you should join!

Jenaia Johnson

Nora Martin

Glenn Jenkins

Angelica Weenink

morgan"I'm a WEA-PAC member because I know the political decisions made by state and local leaders can have a significant, lasting impact on the lives of my students, my working conditions and job responsibilities, and the community I serve. Being part of WEA-PAC allows me to be sure that my voice as an educator and advocate for students is heard by our political leaders."

-Morgan Galle, First Grade Teacher, Spokane

sara"It is important to me that I contribute since WEA-PAC is working on behalf of our schools, students, educators and communities.  I feel that it is a responsibility we all share as educators.”
-Sara Peraza-Roe, Elementary School Office Manager, Federal Way

PAC smallerJoin WEA-PAC now or increase your monthly contribution! You can now join for $2.25 a month, $5 a month or $10.50 a month.

K-12 WEA members can join by submtting a WEA-PAC Payroll Authorization form to join WEA-PAC. 

WEA-Retired, Higher Ed and Student WEA members can join here.